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Campus Life FAQ

发布时间:2011-09-01 浏览次数:

1. What istheuniversitymailing address?

Room No. ***, InternationalStudentsApartment,

Harbin Engineering University

145, Nangang Street, Nangang District, Harbin, 150001, China

2.What is theaccommodation condition?

InternationalStudentsApartmentis13-floor building with the elevators.

One student willuseone bedroomwithindependent bathroom. Kitchen and laundry are public.

3. What are the costs of accommodation?

(1) Accommodation: 600 yuan / month

(2) Fees of electricity and water: 5 yuan / day

(3) Internet fee: 40 yuan / month (20 yuan additional fee)

(4) Accommodation deposit: 500 yuan / person

(5) Beddings: 460 yuan / sets (language students don’t need to buy, but need to pay 500 yuan deposit for use)

(6) Heating fee: afforded by university

4. Does university provide rooms for accompany family members?

No, we suggest the candidates with family members to look for rental flat.

5. If I want to go to the students in the apartment, how can I go?

Apartment address is:

By Taxi: from Hongqi Street and Dayoufang Street Cross, entering Harbin Engineering University East Gate, at the second left turning driving left. At the end of the road will be apartment.

From the airport: Taking airport bus line 3 to the terminal if you arrive at Harbin airport before 16:00, otherwise, you have to take airport bus Line 1 to terminal and take taxi.

From train station: Taking the bus line 14 at train station and get off at Hongping Xiaoqu (红平小区).

6.Does apartment have double-bed room?

Yes, but it is up-lower berth.

7. Can I go out in the midnight?

No. In order to secure the apartment, HEU setS up access control system. The access time is 23:00.

8. Does the apartment have a supermarket?


9. Can keep pets in my room?


10. Can I invite my friend to stay at my room?


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Address: 145, Nantong Street, Nangang District, Harbin, 150001, China Tel: 0086-451-82568266

Manitenance: International Office Support: Informationization Office