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Exchange Student FAQ

发布时间:2011-09-01 浏览次数:

1.What are the exchange student’s application materials?

(1) Application form

(2) A copy of the passport

(3)Study certificate

(4) English transcript

(5)Home university nominatedletter

2. Can westudywith Chinese students?


3. How to apply forstudying withChinese students inaclass?

Click to the website:http://studyheu.hrbeu.edu.cn▶▶▶download▶▶▶download document list▶▶▶Course application formfor exchange student, fill init and sign it, then submititto the internationaloffice and College of International Cooperative Education.

4. What is coursegrademarks system?

HEU uses 100 Maximum grade system, that is excellentA(90-100), goodB(81-89), mediumC(71-79), Pass D(61-69), failed (less than 60).

5. Can I get the transcript after all the courses completed?

No. Exchange student transcripts will be posted to home universities or institutes in accordance with request.

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