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Chinese Language Program FAQ

发布时间:2011-09-01 浏览次数:

1. When can I apply for the Chinese language training program for each term?

Spring semester is January 15;

Fall semester is July 15;

Winter or Summer short-term programs: one month at least before the program beginning.

2. What are the application materials to apply for the Chinese language training program?

(1) A copy of the passport

(2) Two inch White background color picture

(3) Highest academic degree or study certificate

3. What time is the class beginning and the end of each semester?

Spring semester: March 1 � June 30,

Fall semester: September 1 -December 31.

4. What is the cost of teaching material?

The fees of Chinese teaching material are different, according to the class and grade.

5. Does Chinese language program has a scholarship?

There is no scholarship to study the non-degree Chinese program, but when you apply for Bachelor Degree of Chinese Literature, you can apply for HEU scholarship.

6. Is there one-to-one teaching project? How much is the cost?

Yes, 150 yuan per hour. If there is a student tutor, the fee is about 15-20 yuan per hour.

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