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Chinese Government Scholarship FAQ

发布时间:2022-03-01 浏览次数:

1. What is the application duration for Chinese Government Scholarship?

December 15th - February 28, the next year.

2. When will HEU announce the Chinese Government Scholarship winners?

At the end of June, please check the website: http://studyheu.hrbeu.edu.cn.

3. What is the eligibility?

(1) Non-Chinese nationals

(2) Age limit: Master's degree applicant is not more than 35 years of age; Doctoral degree applicant is not more than 40 years of age.

(3) Education background: Master's applicants should be a provincial undergraduate-level graduates or have a bachelor's degree; PhD candidates should have a master's degree or provincial postgraduate-level graduates.

4. What are the application materials?

(1) Log in http://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn, fill in the Scholarship application form (HEU agency number is 10217)

(2) Log in http://issp.hrbeu.edu.cn , fill in HEU online application system.

(3)Highest academic certificate and transcript (notarized in Chinese or in English)

(4) Resume

     (5) Study planStudy plan format.doc

(6) Two recommendation letters from professors or associate professors

(7) Language language proficiency (HSK 4 at least for the programs taught in Chinese; TOEFL 80 or IELTS 5.5 or relevant language profiency certificate)

     (8)Foreigner medical examination certificatePhysical examination form.pdf

(9) Non-criminal Record Certificate(should be valid for 6 months)

5. What is the registration deadline?

By September 30 each year.

6. What are including in the scholarship?

Provide registration fees, tuition, living expenses, accommodation, medical insurance, etc., but International Travel and other expenses should be self-paid.

7. Can I apply for changing major?

Yes, by September 30 in the first academic year, you can apply for changing major, but changing major from engineering to economics or management or the liberal arts are not acceptable.

8. Do I need to submit college or supervisor approval with other application documents when I apply for scholarship?

No. When you apply for Chinese Government Scholarship - Bilateral Program, you need to obtain Scholarship notice from Chinese embassay in your country, then you may get pre-admission notice from university.

Study plan format.doc

Physical examination form.pdf

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